Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Drones! Human vs. A.I

JPL engineers recently finished developing three drones and the artificial intelligence needed for them to navigate an obstacle course by themselves. As a test of these algorithms, they raced the drones against a professional human pilot. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

A new era of machines has begun! Drone racing is an exciting sport demanding high concentration and skills. But humans have a competitor now THE ROBOTS!.

Researches at NASA are successful in making AI which have been tested recently at JPL. NASA  in collaboration with Google have done this project. JPL set up a timed trial between their A.I. and world-class drone pilot Ken Loo.

It came out that the drone flew smoothly over the obstacles without much accelerating and de-accelerating. But where as human path was more jerkier!

Ken loo also said he got tired after few laps but with time he better understood the track and consistently improved. But A.I was quite consistent.!

Its a huge achivement. Lets how much more suprises JPL hold for us!

The link below is for a video which will give a better understanding for this article

Saturday, 16 September 2017

The end of Cassini !!

Finally Cassini is a part of Saturn now. After 20 years of incredible journey in space it has revealed most incredible secrets of Saturn and its moons! It has studied its rings, its moon titan and enceladus and the planet itself. Saturn is the most photogenic planet of the solar system.
Here are a few mind-blowing observations made by Cassini

1)Planet Enceladus has water Geysers just like earth-Hot water springs are seen at poles of enceladus puffing out hot water in space.
2)Planet Titan has seas of hydrocarbon! especially methane and its the largest moon of Saturn.It deployed Huygens into the titan which transmitted back the images to earth.
3)Its among the final images of Saturn among the last death plunge

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Harvey moves further!

The devastating hurricane in Texas has caused a lot of damage to property and life. NASA has a full eye on the storm and has tracked its way!
check this link for the view of Harvey from International space station and have its full details.

 Everyone stay safe!

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Cassini returns home!

After a journey of 20 years finally the journey of Cassini ends!. NASA has declared it officially. The media events will be held at NASA jet propulsion laboratory. It will be held on 29th of august in Pasadena, California.
Cassini arrived at Saturn in 2004, It studied the planet and its rings. It also has given us critical information about its moon Titan. Now the planets is in between the rings of Saturn and on Sep. 15 Cassini will dive in the upper atmosphere of saturn and will  send us a whole new set of information about its atmosphere. After that it will loose contact with earth and will burn like a meteor

Video for the Cassini mission is available for download at:

For online streaming, visit:

This information is collected from NASA website.


Thursday, 20 July 2017

Mathematical explanation of universe!

Well, universe is something really extra-ordinary. The things we see as science-fiction actually are possible in the endless dimensions of universe. Scientists have an equation that defines the behavior of universe. This equation is called as friedmann equation. Which is this,

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Blackholes! The law breakers of physics

Blackholes are something really incredible...The are the biggest mystery as they break the laws of physics often. Currently we see them as the heaviest object found. But you never know. Have we really understood universe. The answer is NO. There is a lot more to discover. Blackholes are also a base of natural time travel. The concept of space-time comes into play here, thanks to einstine for this..(for more concept of space-time read "A brief history of time"). There are a lot of question..Who are we? Are we alone? What is this universe?Whats the purpose of it?

Well truly we even dont know why are we here!And we have to find answers to it!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Can really nothing travel faster than light?

Well its a really critical question..! If i see the bigbang theory then the expansion rate of the universe within the first few seconds was much more faster compared to speed of light then how come nothing can travel faster then it? Its a big MIND-WOBBLING question! Hope we will soon find answers to it!

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Do you know what are our boundries?

Do you know the boundaries of our solar system..?? Many think that the solar system ends up in the pluto but its not true! The effect of our sun is far more then that... actually it is our sun's solar wind which decides our boundaries. Its the heliopause, the boundary between our insteller and solar system.

The sun's solar wind neutralises the the gamma rays so as we are protected from the intersteller winds!
Thank you sun for your heliopause....

Friday, 17 March 2017

Another life sustaining planet found...

Hi guys this a great discovery of NASA.......
Kepler space telescope has discovered  a planet orbiting around a star at a habitual distance to sustain life. Located in the signius constillation in the system of kepler-186.
This is a video uploaded by the NASA government about the discovery of Kepler...  Must watch it!

The name of this planet is given as Kepler-186f. And is regarded now as the twin of earth!

Congratulations NASA for your discovery!